DRYiCE iAutomate v6.4



Product Name DRYiCE iAutomate
Version Number 6.4
Release Month June , 2024
Release Summary
New Features
  • Revamped Product UI: The user interface has been completely redesigned for a more modern and user-friendly experience as well as streamline the customer onboarding and product configuration experience

    • Product Configuration: Entirely new and refreshed onboarding and configuration experience for product admins with visibility across all mandatory steps required for integration data source, RBA engine, configuring use cases, and much more

    • Product Dashboard: Detailed insights to visualize and track the performance of product with various dashboards, views and widgets

    • Tracking Ticket Lifecycle: Provides real-time insights on Open, Assigned, Released Tickets with additional details like Related Tickets, Knowledge Guide, Logs and much more

    • License Utilization and Tracking: Provides insights into the product licensing details

  • Integration Adapter with Jenkins

  • Handle Reopened and Re-assigned Tickets: Support enabled for handling such tickets for iAutomate to recommend and execute runbooks as per demand for some specific use cases
  • Priority Based Ticket Processing: Support for iAutomate to acknowledge and perform action on High Priority tickets and move them up in the queue for processing, to avoid / minimize consequential impact


  • Enhanced Feedback System: Supports capturing feedback for out-of-domain tickets, improving overall feedback collection and analysis
  • Ticket Release Option: Option to release the ticket, in case the parsing of parameters is incomplete / failed, and default value is not provided for any parameter, for manual intervention and to avoid any SLA breach

  • Schedule Runbook Screen Enhancement

    • API Integration: A new API that allows for seamless scheduling of runbooks, providing greater flexibility and automation
    • Flexible Scheduling Options: Users can now choose from multiple options to schedule runbook execution times, ensuring better alignment with operational needs
    • Comprehensive Recurrence Patterns: The updated scheduling feature supports a wide range of recurrence patterns, including hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and custom frequencies, catering to diverse scheduling requirements

  • Enhancements in DAG Functionality:

    • Debug Mode: A new debug mode now available , allowing users to troubleshoot nodes by providing IP addresses

    • Execution Status Visualization: The execution status page now features color codes with corresponding legends, providing clear and immediate understanding of statues

    • Enhanced Logging: Command outputs are now displayed in the logs, offering better insights and transparency into execution processes

    • Search option enabled for DAG: Option enabled to search for the required DAG from list of options available, making it easier to locate and execute the required DAG
Runbook Packs

New Runbooks have been added to the repository as part of this release, taking the consolidated count to 3400+

  • Network - 13
  • Windows - 62
  • MSSQL DB - 38
  • MySQL DB - 2
  • Mainframe - 1
Other Enhancements
  • Python Version upgradation from 3.8 to 3.10, for better performance and security
  • Solr Version upgradation from 8.5.0 to 9.5.0, for enhanced search capabilities
  • Eliminated the dependency on the Chrome driver for the Knowledge Module
Bug Fixes
  • Resolved the issue to ensure disabled or deleted users are hidden from the screen
  • Fixed the problem where rules were not displayed correctly after updating the data source
  • Addressed the issue with upload/download ITSM attachment APIs when using CyberArk or Azure Key Vault as the credential provider