DRYiCE iAutomate v6.4.1



Product Name DRYiCE iAutomate
Version Number 6.4.1
Release Month August , 2024
Release Summary
New Features
  • Generative AI Capability

    • Generation of Knowledge Article: New chat interface enhances support by generating and suggesting knowledge articles for tickets. It displays related tickets, offers solutions, and allows users to publish articles directly to the ITSM system.

      Generation of Knowledge Article
    • Recommendation of Related Tickets: This advanced capability helps users quickly find relevant solutions by suggesting related tickets based on their descriptions and issues.

      Recommendation of related tickets
      Recommendation of related tickets
    • Recommendation of Knowledge Articles: Improved quality of knowledge articles. Articles are more accurate, comprehensive, and helpful, providing users with better information and solutions to their issues.

      Recommendation of Knowledge Articles
    • Ansible Playbook Generation: Allows users to generate the script for playbook basis the bucket description and enhances efficiency in managing and expanding the automation scope in the environment.

      Ansible Playbook Generation
    • Document Summarization: With help of Generative AI it analyzes the document's content, understand its context, and generate summaries that highlight key points and essential information giving users quicker access to essential information and insights.

      Document Summarization
  • Integration Adapter with Azure DevOps - v7.0.

    ADO Integration
  • Integration Adapter with BigFix Server Automation

    BigFix Server Automation Integration
  • Enhanced Feedback System: Incorporate provision to capture feedback on tickets with no runbooks available.
  • Execution Mode of Runbook: Multi select option to change the execution mode of Runbook.

    Execution mode of Runbook
  • API Enhancement

    • Ticket status in iAutomate: A new API that allows users to get ticket status in iAutomate.
    • iAutomate Internal Secret Manager: A new API that allows users to get secret from iAutomate Internal Secret Manager.
    • Enhanced Analysis System: Check system resources like CPU, memory before starting any analysis.
    • Role Wise Dashboard Widget Tab: Feature to provide Role Wise Dashboard Widget tab.

      Role wise Dashboard Widget Tab
    • Export User Activity Logs: Option to export the existing activity logs.

      Export User Activity Logs
    • Enhanced Secure parameter: Option to display Secured Parameter field as password type in runbook parameter screen.

      Enhanced Secure parameter
    • SMTP Validation: Users can now validate SMTP details.

      SMTP Test
    • Html Content Security Policy: Availability of Content Security Policy for html templates.
    • iRecommend Enhancement

      • Enhanced Log: Now captures detailed logs for issues such as "Insufficient Memory" to ensure models load properly.
      • Enhanced Performance: Load feedback model only when it is available and applicable.